SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
The SCADA System, is a means of supervision and control based on computers. The general purpose of this System is to provide the Plant Operators with detailed and automatic information in a centralized form - at present being distributed over more that 1,500 panels in the diverse galleries along the length of the power plant - and organized in real time (that is, at the instant of occurrence) concerning the electrical, mechanical, thermal and hydraulic conditions of the equipment and the installations. This will permit the operators in the Central Control Room to exercise a permanent analysis of the situation and facilitate taking the correct and appropriate decisions within the time limits necessary to maintain the generation of energy.
Its operation is based on the installation of electronic devices in the diverse units of equipment in the Power Plant (generators, turbines, transformers, etc.) for the automatic acquisition of operational information. This information will be transferred to a central computer, where it will be processed by specific software. When the software identifies abnormal conditions, the Operators will be instantly informed by signals on the computer monitors. The required corrective actions or commands can be taken through these same computers.
The SCADA System is scheduled to be installed by the middle of 2002 and will provide the Operators with supervision over approximately 18,000 points, significantly improving the operating conditions of the Plant and permitting, in many cases, the prevention of disconnections, as well as allowing greater speed of recovery from the operational problems that may occur.
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